How much money did empire strikes back make

how much money did empire strikes back make

The list has been adjusted for inflation. Carrie Fisher. Disney has big plans for Star Wars movie money makers in the future. SyFy Channel. There were also daring dramatic gambits, making the film much darker. The film became the highest-grossing film of

Harrison Ford Star Wars Pay: $10,000

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8. «Revenge of the Sith» (2005) — $530 million

how much money did empire strikes back make
More rare concept art below. You get inside the heads of everybody involved with it, and you see how much pain went into every frame of this movie. Here are a few of them:. The film went way over schedule and massively over budget, and almost ran out of money a bunch of times. What comes through, in every interview and behind-the-scenes detail, is the determination of everyone involved to make The Empire Strikes Back bigger and better than the original Star Wars. In spite of huge, almost insurmountable difficulties, the determination to create something better comes through clearly.

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More rare concept art. You get inside the heads of everybody involved with it, and you see how much pain went into every frame of this movie. Here are a few of them:. The film went way over schedule and massively over budget, and almost ran out of money a bunch of times.

What comes through, in every interview and behind-the-scenes detail, is the determination of everyone involved to make The Empire Strikes Back bigger and better than the original Star Wars. In spite of huge, almost insurmountable difficulties, the determination to create something better comes through clearly. And there are tons and tons of pieces of script pages and scribbled notes. You get a real sense of what it would have been like to be inside this madhouse of creativity and seat-of-the-pants improvisation.

Yoda was originally named Buffy. No, really. Buffy very old — three or four thousand years. Kiber crystal in sword? Buffy shows Sfrikes Buffy the guardian. And why do you come to walk my sky, with the sword of a Jedi knight? I remember another Skywalker. We could have visited other planets. And at one point, Lucas considered having a visit to the Wookiee homeworld some of which ended up in the Christmas Specialand Ralph McQuarrie did some concept art of a young Chewbacca. And in one early draft, Lando was a clone warrior, one of the many clans of clone fighters left over from the wars.

Darth Vader would have had a castle. The Luke-Leia-Han love triangle is a much bigger deal in earlier drafts of the script. A strength as great as mine, Luke. The film posed unique challenges for special effects and model work. Darth Vader had a new Star Destroyer, empirf was supposed to be 16 miles long!

And they built a full-size Millennium Falcon, which was 65 wide and 80 feet long. Also, Empiree had to start a new stop-motion empre department just to make the Imperial Walkers and tauntauns work. Stanley Kubrick nearly killed the movie. That meant that Empire had to give up some of its own studio space, and The Shining went way over schedule, especially as Kubrick used the delay as an excuse to rethink his own movie. When Mark Hamill first met Frank Oz, he asked him to do a brief Miss Piggy cameo during rehearsals on set, as a practical joke — but when the time came monsy later, it caught xtrikes Hamill off guard.

During one scene, Yoda how much money did empire strikes back make Luke to follow his feelings. You want feelings? What is this hole? Get me my agent on the phone! The Syrikes. Charlie Jane Anders. Filed to: Monwy.

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How Much Money Harrison Ford Made for Every Star Wars Movie

Mark Newbold is the daily content manager of Jedi News and has been involved in websites since Skip Comments. The World According to Star Wars. In the last ten years, what film or films have stood out to you where you thought, you know, that was really done the right way? Also included are featurettes, teasers, trailers, TV spots, still galleries, video game demos, and a preview of Revenge of the Sith. Archived from mony original on Emlire 7, Country: USA.
