How much money do professional piercers make

how much money do professional piercers make

What did you do before this job? Compensation Research. Some studios also stay open later one or two days a week. Cost of Living Calculator.

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how much money do professional piercers make
Body art continues to grow in popularity all over the United States. More and more people are getting tattoos and piercings , and keep coming up with original placements and designs. As a result, the demand for more tattoo and piercing artists is on the rise too. People will shell out big bucks to have an experienced professional poke holes through their body for the sake of fashion and art. Here’s what you can do to become a piercer:. Here’s what you can do to become a piercer: Expand your knowledge The first step to becoming a piercer is to know a lot about piercing.

Pursuing piercing as a profession involves getting the right education—preferably through a piercing apprenticeship—figuring out if you can make enough money as a piercer to pay your bills, getting the certifications you need, finding a job, securing the right supplies, and promoting yourself and your services. Try to pick a studio that aligns with your own personality. Learn why people trust wikiHow. List of Processed Foods to Avoid. At minimum, stock up on the things you use most frequently. How does one go about finding an apprenticeship? Go door to door. Compile a list of studios to visit. Job Boards Learn More. The worst they can do is say no, which shouldn’t deter you. Infectious Disease Knowledge. Owners of a piercing studio may make considerably more than their employees.
