After you confirm your worker address, the Sonm platform will automatically begin to search for suitable orders for rental after evaluating the composition of your devices CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, network and performance testing calculating benchmarks. It truly is an invaluable source of up-to-date information. Thus, the minimum income of the resource supplier on Sonm always corresponds to the income from the most profitable mining at the moment.
68 thoughts on “(UPDATED: Bitcoin / poclbm) Compute4Cash: Use your GPU to Make Money with OpenCL”
Bitcoin is a cryptographic peer-to-peer currency and it is secured by computing power. I even identified the small OpenCL sue image in the article as being from poclbm as I worked on that code not too long ago. Bitcoin is an online currency which you can exchange for cash, services, and other goods. The exchange rate is currently at about 1 USD per bitcoin. If you chose to do this on your own, rather than through the compute4cash middleman, you will make more than double the money.
6 key benefits of Sonm
People hope that by initially absorbing an initial price gouging, the hardware can eventually negate the loss through mining. In this particular case, that just so happens to involve digital coinage. Under no circumstance do I encourage anyone to purchase hardware for the sake of mining. This article is written from the context of using the hardware you already have kicking around, to generate extra money in the background while you go on with your day. Before going further, you need to consider whether or not you want to run your gear as hard as mining requires.
How can you earn on your hardware in Sonm?
Bitcoin is a cryptographic peer-to-peer currency and it is secured by computing power. I even identified the small OpenCL kernel image in the article as being from poclbm as I worked on that code not too long ago.
Bitcoin is an online currency which you can exchange for cash, services, and other goods. The exchange rate is currently at about 1 USD per bitcoin. If you chose to do this on your own, rather than through the compute4cash middleman, you will make more than double the money. Any of you who are participating in the compute4cash pool, would do better on your own, using a free open source gpu miner.
I encourage you all to learn about bitcoin and cut out the middleman. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital currency. Peer-to-peer P2P means that there is no central authority to issue new money or keep track of transactions.
Instead, these tasks are managed collectively by the nodes of the network. The program will continuously compute hashes until it finds a small enough hash to meet our requirements. Basically it is encrypted compression. Compute4Cash does not wish share more information but they assure that you will not get any trouble with the law by using this tool.
It pays you via PayPal:. Use your computer to generate some extra cash! So you want to put your computer to work for you to make some extra cash, eh? We can help you do just. All you have to do is register, download the Compute4Cash client, make sure your video card drivers are up to date, and run the program. The more work your hardware does for us the more we will pay you — it is as simple as that!
We will deposit these funds into any PayPal or Liberty Reserve account you specify. All you have to do is run our program in the background. Update : Compute4Cash requested me to remove the code. Honestly this client is a bit suspicious.
Maybe the client is used to do illegal stuff like password cracking see this post for an example of MD5 cracking with OpenCL. Sure, it would be cool to monetize the idle cycles of our GPUs but for something legal.
According to the latest update, this tool is a Bitcoin wrapper and Bitcoin community encourage us to use a free open source gpu miner. See more details at the top of this article.
It uses OpenCL 1. I guess it is exactly what you suspect it is — password cracking software. You are close — our program does indeed compute hashes much the way password cracking software would do, but we do not use this code to crack passwords.
This code is used to find the smallest hash of a given set of data and to do this we muse append a nonce to the data, hash it, check the size of the hash, and repeat until we find a hash small enough to meet our requirements. Effectively our program is compressing data.
We certainly are not brute forcing passwords. FYI, you left out the bit of code that proves this — the last few lines of code call a function that compares the size of the hash to a target size and discards the result if it is too big. And you have to add the cost of power consumption of the graphic card.
Doing so would incur a substantial tax related administrative overhead. Seems like it could be a cool idea, but there is NO information about what kind of computations they are doing besides what you found in the exe file.
A whois search on the domain says it was registered through domainsbyproxy. Seems shady to me. You can generate more money through compute4cash client than have to pay for energy. It is a little weird system of posting comments. Maybe I should stop comments on the blog and create a thread per post in the forum for discussion… What do you think?
When you are running Folding home, how know that it is not a nuclear bomb simulation for example? Compute4Cash Why not use Amazon high perfomance computing instances for your project? What card would be faster for computing? What is preferable: engine clock or number of steam processors? By the way it would be nice to see stats for different types of video cards on your website. IL We are now collecting statistics for how well various cards perform at various clock rates, at some point we will add a table with this data on our website.
A is much better than a due to the having much more stream processors. Thanks for all the answers. They shed some light on possible performance. Do results correspond to computer4cash workload in the same way? And if the kernels are fat with little branching and high memory locality, the HD and HD series are perfect match for the job. Shamefully slow and pointless for real work, but I think this is an architectural limitation in GF and GF We have not tested too extensively, but we have enough data to conclude that the is the best option right.
I think the older HD Series are better suited for this type of calculations. Their peak performance with integers is a bit higher than the new generation, me thinks. It makes use of heavy branching and seemingly double precision, which 1. I know that graphics for laptops are generally different than for desktops, but what would be the purpose of not including this function in 5xxx series?
Same applies to SLG 1. I use two HDdriver Catalyst No Overlocking. No CPU power is used. I wonder if we can only active 1 core CPU to save power. I find nowhere talks about the power consumption of one core no HT on i7. This is actually just a wrapper around a bitcoin miner called poclbm. See bitcoin. Thanks Make money gpu cpu use Compute4Cash pays users in USD for the work they complete, without any complicated or expensive currency exchanges.
The bottom line is that Compute4Cash is easier for users and more stable than pooled Bitcoin efforts are. Any other requirements? Well, now the jig is up — and people can make an informed decision of whether they prefer to pay you a hefty cut, or to go it. Fair enough, as long as its out there, and not just hidden.
Bah, BS Compute4Cash. Nowhere near the doubling you claim. Like every new technology, it takes a bit of time to learn the basics. Learning to use these sites takes a little while, just like learning to use ebay. They have also been around much longer and are much more reputable and honest. There are also numerous sites that let you trade your Bitcoins directly for goods or services.
Also, buying with bitcoins provides you anonymity. Download the client from bitcoin. Also, although it is getting more difficult to generate coins, the value of Bitcoins are increasing exponentially. They just do the cash trading for you and send you a smaller portion of what they make. Although the difficulty of making them yourself has increased, their value has increased. They take the step of converting the Bitcoins to cash for you but this is something you can do yourself instantly after generating a block yourself similar to what they refer to as a work unit.
Bitcoin users wanted to inform people of the true nature of compute4cash because we saw they were making an effort to hide it.
We felt they were taking advantage of the fact that few people know about bitcoin and using this situation to make more than their fair share. Yes, you will definitely be able to make more cash if you wish to trade the Bitcoins for cash Compute4cash is devaluing bitcoins by tricking people into generating them and paying much less than their market price.
This has nothing to do with cracking passwords or breaking cryptography. If the cryptography used to secure bitcoins was broken, they would be worthless! Also, check out the following sites and videos for more info on bitcoin.
We always welcome new members to the community and would like to see some of you using Bitcoin! Every user is free to decide if they want to use Compute4Cash or not. The Bitcoin community has successfully exposed the behind-the-scenes activity of Compute4Cash and now everyone is free to decide who their middleman will make money gpu cpu use without any question as to what Compute4Cash is acting as a middleman.
Compute4Cash: Every user is free to decide whether they want to use it or not, but they may not be aware of the alternatives. It would restore trust in your program and encourage less technical people who are interested in bitcoin in using your client to generate money.
I agree with you, your program is easier to run then setting up the python miner and bitcoin client separately. You may also want to consider paying a larger percentage. I think this would be a great compromise that could make your program more successful in the long run.
Let us know what you are looking for Send us a request with your mining needs. Both show much more thorough data than the NiceHash website, and in some cases, more accurate. NiceHash allows you to easily uee a particular install to your personal account. We use Secure Sockets Layer SSL and aggressive encryption to ensure that information passing through our servers is anonymous and protected. Your computer should run perfectly normal with it on, make money gpu cpu use fpu exception would be if you were playing a graphics-intensive video game, you may want to pause Honeyminer as the same graphics card is used to. Typically, the GPU is where you’ll notice the most bang for your buck and is also normally a bottleneck. Usw willing to spend a bit of time optimizing their setup will stand to gain the most.
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