Make money starting out stardew valley

make money starting out stardew valley

Last edited by Dave ; 11 Dec, pm. You will have more money than you know what to do with in no time. When planting, plot out 3 x 3 plots of land wherever you plant Cauliflower, Melons, and Pumpkins. This might seem a little too close to real life, but make sure you turn on the TV and flick through the channels before you crawl into bed at the end of every day. Do the same with Cranberries in Fall, and soon you’ll have enough money to fund our plans. Your best bet is to delve into the mines, as the Dust Sprites that appear on levels have a 50 percent coal drop rate—and they usually appear in swarms. Ancient Fruit Wine sells for slightly less than Starfruit, but the extended crop cycle means time saved on replanting, as your plants will last forever inside that wonderful glass house.

1. Invest in crops as soon as possible

Stardew Valley is a game wherein players advance step by step; there is no shortcut to. Same can be said for money in the ultimate farming lifestyle simulator. There is no shortcut for earning money in Stardew Valley. However, there are some tips that can help ensure you generate money fast. Below are some of our favorite tips for getting rich quickly in Stardew Valley :.

How to make money quickly in Stardew Valley

make money starting out stardew valley
Crops are a real hot commodity in Stardew Valley. They are absolutely your main source of income— provided the months are good for them, that is. Always keep in mind that if a crop is meant for only a specific season, it will rot and be unusable the first day of the next season. If they continue to give crops after the first picking, perfect. As soon as you can afford the saplings that Pierre sells, buy them. Those trees will always bear you fruit each day in their appropriate seasons.

1. Invest in crops as soon as possible

But now the adorable watercolour farming simulator is now available Nintendo Switchbringing gamers all the portable farming fun you could have ever hoped. The port has been long awaited by both Ninty fans waiting for the elusive Animal Crossing for Switch and fans of Stardew Valley alike. For those not in the know, Stardew Valley is a farming sim not too dissimilar to the likes of Harvest Moon, where you tend your farm, raise animals and crops, and also make a bit of a name for yourself in the community.

To do this, simply take your new hoe and till 15 little patches of soil in which to plant. Initially, we recommend investing in two or three Cauliflower seeds as they cost 80g, but the finished crop is worth much. Also pick up some more turnip seeds and some potatoes. Doing this gives you a slim chance of growing a giant crop, which will take up all nine squares of soil.

I made the mistake of falling for the idea of being surrounded by farm animals and spent as much money as I could building homes for them, feeding them and buying them new friends.

And with hay priced at 50g a pop, your animals will soon drain your hard-earned funds. It is a risk you might be willing to take though, seeing as the Community Centre does need quite a few animal-based offerings. Doing so will give you access to the Tidal Pools, which is where valuable items like coral, sea urchins and other shells will pop up daily. You can chuck these in your shipping box more on which in a moor sell them directly to the fisherman, Willy, at his shop on the pier.

This just happens to be a gold mine, in that you can forage in them to get yourself a load of special items that can earn you serious cash — and literal gold. The mines consist of unique levels, with a save point accessed after every.

Use your hoe to dig in the dirt and your pickaxe to smash rocks in order to find items but also the ladder to the next level. Head to a body of water and equip your rod. Wait for a fish to bite and quickly tap the action button as soon as the exclamation point appears. The more you fish the better your skill becomes, and the bigger your green window make money starting out stardew valley be, making it easier to nab those pesky pesce.

Look out for bubbling spots in the water as fish tend to bite more quickly there and be of higher value. He also sells crab pots that you can buy once you reach fishing level three, which you can bait and leave to do their thang. Of course, it’s not all about making money in Stardew Valley, it’s about making your farm whatever you want it to be. Arable paradise, animal haven, or a mix of the two — it’s up to you. But you could also choose to ignore all that and become a professional miner or fisherman.

But we recommend dabbling in a little bit of everything in Year One, and here’s how to make the most of it. And the best snacks come for free. The world of Stardew Valley has plenty of free things you can forage just by walking around the town and its surroundings.

Watch out for leeks, horseradishes, dandelions and daffodils growing the wild. Dandelions and leeks restore energy and health when eaten, while daffodils can be sold for 30g a pop. Wild horseradishes are worth 50g each, and only restore a small amount of health and energy, so are better sold that used as mining snacks.

This might seem a little too close to real life, but make sure you turn on the TV and flick through the channels before you crawl into bed at the end of every day. The Survival channel will give you handy tips and the occasional foraging advice, while the Queen of Sauce over on the cooking channel will teach you recipes that increase your health and energy.

Overnight, some mysterious soul will buy all your stuff, which is incredibly handy if you want to spend your time the next day doing other things than walking between different stores to sell your wares. Pierre sells a bag that increases your personal inventory slots from 12 to 24, which is perfect for storing all those things that you collect and want to sell. It might feel like a lot of cash to spend at the start, but 12 slots fill up super fast. I’m the lady in charge of GamesRadar, but also getting all the reviews up on the website, so you can thank me for all those shining stars — or blame me for a lack of.

In a rush? Tips for making the most out of Year One in Stardew Valley Of course, it’s not all about making money in Stardew Valley, it’s about making your farm whatever you want it to be. Always watch TV before bed This might seem a little too close to real life, but make sure you turn on the TV and flick through the channels before you crawl into bed at the end of every day.

Sam Loveridge. See comments. Topics Stardew Valley. Show .

Learn Which Crops are Most Valuable per Season

We’re going to need a lot of Oak Resin later on, so start collecting it. For more farming makw, check out our broader Stardew Valley guideour list of the best Stardew Valley modsand our tips for Stardew Valley multiplayer. The end goal here is to fill your Greenhouse with the lucrative crop so, y’know, get that. Your principal crop in Spring are strawberries, but you can only buy strawberry seeds at the Egg Festival on the 13th of Spring. I should have added, though, at level six fishing you can startingg an iradium rod and trap bobber which makes fishing a whole lot easier. Want More Money? You can always come back later if make money starting out stardew valley need ore from earlier floors. This means you can get a ton of coal shardew Dust Sprites. YES NO. Winter is going to be a lean month. You now have a number of options for fruit inputs, depending on your overall game progress and degree of Scrooge McDuckery. See comments.
