Considering the newness of the technology and all the possibilities for it to go wrong, this claim seems highly-plausible, at the very least for its early stages. You will be on the road in a vehicle that might have a logo the size of a billboard on its side. Unions have several rules in place that require the drivers be paid accordingly. There is a real difference at the end of the scale that hires easy and pays cheap. Experienced Drivers 2. That amounts to Stan The Annuity Man.
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In general, would it be best for me to get a trucking job across country or a taxi cab driver job? I need to make money and looking for the best route. Truck drivers are limited by law on their hours — they have a tachograph in their cab which times how long they are on the road. Some long distance drivers have a buddy driver in the cab so whilst do truck drivers make more money sleeps, the other drives. Can be a lonely existence and better suited to the single guy. Taxi driving. London Black Cab drivers do «The Knowledge» which they learn in their spare time.
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There is a troubling condition developing in the U. Not even close to enough, it seems. There are currently 48, unfilled truck driver positions nationwide , and that figure is expected to reach a staggering , by In theory, the average truck driver salary should be well above their equilibrium market price. But just how much money should a trucker expect to earn, exactly, when transportation companies advertise the great pay associated with working in the trucking industry? And given the economic circumstances surrounding the trucking industry, are trucker wages really as competitive as they let on? According to the U.
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There is a troubling condition developing in the U. Not even close to enough, it. There are currently 48, unfilled truck driver positions nationwideand that figure is expected to reach a staggeringby In theory, the average truck driver salary should be well above their equilibrium market price. But just how much money should a trucker expect to earn, exactly, when transportation companies advertise the great pay associated with working in the trucking industry? And given the economic circumstances surrounding the trucking industry, are trucker wages really as competitive as they let on?
According to the U. That statistic, though, when examined closely, proves itself only a rough projection of how much money truckers make. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lumps many different types of trucking activities into one broad category, combining the wages of the 1. Below is a table for the mean annual wage per U. That figure, more so than the national average, is an accurate picture of what a trucker can expect to earn. Great, so we know the number of dollars the average trucker from each state makes—so what?
What does this really tell us about why truckers make the kind of money that they do? Is the pay enough? To understand the level of pay given to truck drivers for their services, and in order to assess whether or not such pay is just, it is important to analyze the economic conditions surrounding the industry—not just the numeric salary that the average trucker earns.
Economically speaking, there are two conditions surrounding the trucking industry that should, in theory, drive driver and owner-operator wages up; the infamous trucking shortage and the grueling nature of the job.
In researching the trucking shortage or trucking pay, you may have found some contradictory articles online—how can it be that an industry with nearly 50, vacant positions can also be the most commonly occupied profession in 29 U.
There are roughly 3. By these figures, about one in every one-hundred Americans is a trucker. So how, throughout all of the figures of growth and opportunity for trucking in the U.
Simply put, the rate of growth of the trucking industry is vastly outpaced by the demand for land transportation of goods. That amounts to The rising do truck drivers make more money for truckers is unfortunately coupled by a rapidly aging truck driver population. Very soon, the trucking industry will be shrinking in size while the economic demand for their services will rise sharply.
The key concept behind these facts and figures is that there is a sizable demand for labor as truck drivers, and that demand is going to grow far larger in the next couple of decades.
Another economic factor that should influence the wages of truck drivers is the strenuous, lonely nature of the job. We hardly need to tell you how challenging it is to be a truck driver, particularly a long-haul driver. It is a job that is at once thankless yet essential to the daily life of the average American.
Truck driving makes it difficult to have a social life, it is incomparably lonely and its sedentary nature leads to severe health risks. Take coal mining, for example. Huntfor instance, a reputable trucking company, and a disparity is apparent. Considering that the average trucker only lives to age 61largely in thanks to the nature of the work, it would seem as if truck drivers should be entitled to wage differentials similar to coal miners and other dangerous professions.
After comparing the economic situation in which the trucking industry finds itself and the real wage that truckers make in each state, it is up to you to decide whether or not they are fairly compensated. Many would say that no, the trucking profession does not pay substantially enough to bear the downsides of the work.
It is no surprise that there is a trucking shortage, really—why would millennials and young workers sign up for such a job? It leads to low life expectancy and a lonely life on the road.
The pay may be proving insufficient for young workers, despite the high demand for new truckers. The growing shortage of truck drivers in the United States shows that truck drivers do not currently make enough money—if they pay balanced out the negative aspects of the job, more and more people would sign up to be truckers. Since this is not happening, it is clear that, although some of the median wages may make trucking seem like a lucrative industry, the pay is too low.
If a career on the road interests you, check out our piece on starting a trucking business. For more great analysis on the trucking industry and for other trucking tipscheck out some of our other posts.
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Real Money Pro Portfolio. After that the raises usually go yearly up to a certain number of years, most usually three years. Experience and the determination to find the right position counts for much in the search for a well-paid OTR driving position. Roth IRAs. As much as these high-paying jobs are appealing, these opportunities are rare and only enjoyed by a select. Patience is a virtue in this career. To understand the level of pay given to truck drivers for their services, and in order to assess whether or not such pay is just, it is important to analyze the economic conditions surrounding the industry—not just the numeric salary that the average trucker earns. There are currently 48, unfilled truck driver positions nationwideand that figure is expected to reach a staggeringby Emerging Markets. In both large companies and small, you will have to deal with similar amounts of paperwork and with managers and other workers who interact with you on a daily basis. A lot of heavy hauling and long haul positions are available which require additional skill and experience. State and Federal regulations that regulate interstate trucking also place strict limits on how many hours you work. The growing shortage of truck drivers in the United States shows that truck drivers do not currently make enough money—if they pay balanced out the negative aspects of the job, more and more do truck drivers make more money would sign up to be truckers. No Commuting Costs Your company covers all gas costs so worries about subway fare or prices at the pump can be left at the door.
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