Kenshi how to make money trading

kenshi how to make money trading

The particular area you’ve set up in simply doesn’t seem to have a huge desire for bread. Good call! There you have it! United Nations , they will enslave you, disrespect you and see you as money. That said, it requires a Hinge , Steel Bars , and 10 hours to produce it, making it a bit more tedious than standard weapons crafting.

Hashish Running

Home Games News Cosplay. Hashish Running This is a monfy focusing on early money making method — running hashish. I will provide the steps to the method as well as some tips to make the method more efficient as you progress. To make this guide easier to follow you might want to see this Map. Click to enlarge

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kenshi how to make money trading
Throughout the game, you will find that having money, or Cats , is convenient in order to survive in the dangerous world of Kenshi. Here are just a few helpful tips and methods of getting rich in this apocalyptic desert. You may want to think about your future plans when deciding what strategies to employ. If you have no plans on making a base, then you may want to avoid strategies that involve laboring or crafting since you will most likely not be able to take advantage of the skills gained doing this, but concentrating on strategies such as looting or trade will benefit you through more combat exposure and athletics and strength training from all that running with lots of looted or trade goods. First things first. You need a place to sell your stuff. Given shopkeepers only have so much money to purchase your wares, it’s good to have a plan of where you’re going to sell your items.

Hashish Running

Home Games News Cosplay. Hashish Running This is a guide focusing on early money making method — running hashish. I will provide the steps to the method as well as some tips to make the method more efficient as you progress. To make this guide easier to follow you might want to see this Map. Click to kenshi how to make money trading A traders backpack or two are necessary, always keep hashish in your backpacks and not your main inventory.

Hashish costs between cats. Hive Traders Vain Region — this is an easy route to follow: starting near the Hub, go west toward the first Hive Village, then follow through as far as you want potentially ending north of the «Lost Library» that is to the west of New Kralia. In each Hive Village, visit the general store Scales Sign kenshi how to make money trading you hold ALT and you will most likely find a very talkative hive salesman.

Trading with him you’ll find hashish being sold. Hitting up 6 villages in a row yields around stacks 9 each of hashish and if you hit the villages on the way back to the Hub you might be more efficient if they restock in time.

Dangers: Vain is filled with Beak Things that constantly attack the villages, make sure to stay indoors when in the village if you are ill-equiped makke fight beak things. The positive ma,e that you can also make some money by picking up the animal skins from them and either selling them or keeping them to make into leather.

Gorillos are also around, less frequent. Benefits: If you are in the midgame you might want to utilize the resource plentyful hive traders for fabric, leather, skins, armor plates, as well as the lanterns to equip your squad.

Swamp Villages The Swamp Region — a route of medium difficulty, I haven’t confirmed all the locations listed but the trend holds up.

You can run around the villages and collect a ton of hashish but this method in my opinion is slightly harder due to different enemies. All these enemies are very fast compared to a newer-ish character. Sneaking will be a smart choice and more management will make sure that maoe character doesn’t die. Benefits: A bigger hashish haul. That being said those are the best places to sell.

Moneh cannot sell hashish to any vendor, you can only sell to the Shinobi Thief Trader in the tower located in most cities. Each region has a different price mark-up for hashish which is available on the wiki. This is the most worth while place to sell. Depending on the amount of hashish you have to sell you might have to wait a day or two for the trader to restock his cats, his usual purse is around 25, cats.

This is definitely an easy way to earn money at the beginning and can be kept going into the mid to late game as. Hope this helps mnoey hope you guys enjoy Kenshi as much as I. Written by Creekside Wing Wednesdays.

KENSHI- How I made My Money (500K CATS) Easy Step by Step!

2. Become a Copper Magnate

Once the bartender in Drin has run out of money, avoid the skimmers on the run over to Stoat or Sho-Battai to sell mobey rest, find new recruits and buy backpacks and pack animals so you can go back and carry even more stuff. The particular area you’ve set up in simply doesn’t seem to have a huge desire kenshi how to make money trading bread. Ancient Labs contain more than just Artifacts and can be extremely profitable. Given shopkeepers only have so much money to purchase your wares, it’s good to have a plan of where you’re going to sell your items. Players should be able to make a few thousand cats off each group. All before they even knew I was an ally. Grow cotton like crazy, and spin it into headbands. Some geospatial data on this website is provided tradign geonames. I don’t steal from shops and I have several hundred K and no money issues. You’ll grow more, faster. These strategies primarily involve either crimes against Factions or attacking a Hostile Faction.
