As the overall economy continues to grow, most employees can expect to see a general rise in their overall wages, as well as their benefits packages. Continuing education may be required as well, which means you may need to invest additional time and financial resources into retaining your credentials. Medical assistant education: Associate in Science in Medical Assisting degree. Continue Reading. They offer genuine care, assistance, and education of available community services and benefits for people truly in a time of need. Job growth, however, is only expected to be fair in the coming years — not great. Diagnostic medical sonographers work directly with patients as well as senior medical staff.
Some degrees are more valuable than others
This preview shows page mondy — 3 out of 3 pages. I cannot even describe how much Course Hero helped me this summer. In the end, I was not only able to survive summer classes, but I was able to thrive thanks to Course Hero. College of San Mateo. Uploaded Miney CaptainStrawCrow Juanita has a college degreeso she must make a lot of money. Everyone with a college degree makes a lot of money.
Earn a living with less time devoted to school
M ost people automatically say yes, and in many cases they are right. But do most people answer yes because they are trained to believe a college degree is valuable? Or do they truly believe a college degree is the best guarantee for a high paying job? Last week I went on the record by stating that college degrees are overrated. I have a college degree and I know it helped me get my foot in the door to begin my professional career. But I believe some people overvalue a college degree to the extent that they believe a college degree is required to land a high paying job.
Why Choose an Associate Degree?
M ost people automatically say yes, and in many cases they are right. But do most people answer yes because they are trained to believe a college degree is valuable? Or do they truly believe a college degree is the best guarantee for a high paying job? Last week I went on the record by stating that college degrees are overrated. I have a college degree and I know it helped me get my foot in the door to begin my professional career.
But I believe some people overvalue a college degree to the extent that they believe a college degree is required to land a high paying job.
One example is my friend who is an electrician and owns a small business. The following infographic shows the lifetime value of various levels of scholastic achievement and related career information. As you can see from the infographic above, a college degree is one valuable piece of paper.
In some cases, it can be worth millions of dollars compared to not having a degree. The key to remember is this infographic represents averagesnot absolutes. A college degree can be worth much more than the difference in lifetime earnings might suggest.
A college degree is required for many jobs, sometimes regardless of whether or not the degree actually applies to the job. College degrees are often used as a screening tool on job applications as a means to more quickly select qualified job applicants.
All else being equal, most employers will hire the job applicant with a college degree over the applicant without a college degree. The numbers decrease with each higher level of education. The value of a college degree may extend to the alumni network, depending on the school. I know several people who were able to get job interviews simply because of the college they attended. In many, but not all, cases they were extended a job offer. You still need the skills to get the job, but a college degree, especially from the right school, can open a lot of doors.
But only if you choose the right major. While it would be nice to follow your passion, and get a degree in something you love, and that you think would be fun, you also need to look at reality. Recently, I read an article about the worst college majors for a career. There are majors out there that result in high unemployment and a low salary. Be realistic about what you can do with your major.
Yes, if you choose anthropology as a major you can learn about ancient civilizations. But what kind of career can you realistically expect? How many working anthropologists are there?
And, once you get your anthropology degree, what else can you do with it? Does anthropology transfer to other career fields with any sort of ease?
According to the article, anthropology majors are 2. Think about the reality of what you can do with your major, and how likely you are to find actual work that utilizes those skills.
Another consideration is whether or not you will be able to make enough money to repay your student loan debts. There is a debate going on right now about the worth of a college degree. This question is especially important when you move on to graduate school. You have to ask yourself:. The market places a premium on certain skills and education. Take that into consideration as you choose your college major.
Instead, they choose that profession for the lifestyle. Longer vacations for holidays, and summers off, can 2 year college degrees that make alot of money a lure for many people. Think about whether or not your degree will help you achieve your desired lifestyle. Consider, too, that you might be able to enjoy some of your hobbies without getting a degree in those areas.
One of the pieces of advice I received in college was this: Choose a major that will make you money, and a minor that you enjoy. Obviously, this varies by region and other factors. But it makes it easier to land a job and earn a higher salary. Ryan Guina is the founder and editor of Cash Money Life. He is a writer, small business owner, and entrepreneur. Ryan started Cash Money Life in after separating from active duty military service and has been writing about financial, small business, and military benefits topics since.
He also writes about military money topics and military and veterans benefits at The Military Wallet. Ryan uses Personal Capital to track and manage his finances. Personal Capital is a free software program that allows him to track his net worth, balance his investment portfolio, track his income 2 year college degrees that make alot of money expenses, and much.
You can open a free account. I think it all depends on the economy of where you live, and where you go to school some people get hired based on the school they graduated from. Briana, I would at least look into it. You would be surprised how easy it can be to finish a degree by taking part time classes at night. You can take one or two classes a semester without it impacting your wallet or schedule too much and still finish your degree in a reasonable amount of time.
I had to work the midnight shift to align my schedule, but I was able to make it work. It will take awhile, but you will have the degree when you finish and that can make it easier to find work in the future.
Otherwise we would never see high school and college drops outs that are out there making the big bucks. A friend of mine with no college degree made more money last year then all my friends with college degrees combined.
I do believe in college, but a degree is only going to get you so far and after that it all boils down you. Not only does it give you the ability to APPLY to jobs that require at least a bachelors degree where most of the big salaries arebut you learn so much about life in general.
I agree with Ryan, Briana. I am starting up night classes again to help me in my career, and this is just more undergraduate classes, never mind the MBA courses. Night classes really go by a lot quicker than you think. I like this message a lot! One thing I wish I would of done is gone to a community college for the first years of college, oh and also go to a much less expensive school. I paid out the wazoo for a private Christian college, and I will be paying for it for a while still….
I just want the knowledge! The good news is that I have the GI Bill to help pay for it. The bad news is we are trying to sell our house, and if we do we would move out of the area. There is always another semester. ERE, I believe they are based entirely on information from the US Census Bureau, which only reports numbers, not intelligence and drive.
Intelligence and drive play a big role, along with many other factors. I have been turned down twice in recent bids for jobs at my current workplace. My employer paid for my BSBM.
I thought when we were given the oppurtunity to further our education, they were doing it as an investment in us for the company. Apparently not. I am very discouraged at the moment. Your experience is extremely valuable to the right organization. Continue your schooling and search for the job you believe you can handle. Best of luck! Seems that most get a decent job after graduating from college. Entry level opportunities are obsolete.
I had hopes of just getting my foot in the door to a relevant career opportunity. But, no. And because I have dead-end job, the employer treats me like any other low-grade employee. I went back to take more continued education classes to get my self out of the doldrum hourly jobs. My criminal background and credit is fine.
And keeping up with technological trends is even more daunting. Your email address will not be published. Disclaimer: The content on this site is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not professional financial advice. References to third party products, rates, and offers may change without notice. Please visit the referenced site for current information. We may receive compensation through affiliate or advertising relationships from products mentioned on this site.
However, we do not accept compensation for positive reviews; all reviews on this site represent the opinions of the author. Privacy Policy. Editorial Disclosure: This content is not provided or commissioned by the bank advertiser. This site may be compensated through the bank advertiser Affiliate Program.
Black Excellist: 20 High Paying 2-Year College Degrees
How Much is a College Degree Worth?
Nuclear technicians assist physicists, engineers, and other professionals in nuclear energy production and nuclear research. Get Started. They offer genuine care, assistance, and education of available community services and benefits for people truly in a time of need. Photonic technicians install, maintain, and troubleshoot devices which use fiber optics and lasers. Classes include coding and mathematical courses to help students pursue this major. During the interview, be sure to discuss the classes and projects that you completed during your associate degree studies. The position requires highly-specific training, which can usually be acquired through a two-year degree. A manufacturing production technician must learn to operate, troubleshoot, and maintain their machine. Project Management. Computer-network-support specialists analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, like local area network LANwide area network WANand internet systems, or a segment of a network .
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