Street slang for making money

street slang for making money

Spondulicks — A midth century term for money. Read more here. First things first: are you really Ms.

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I did some back-of-the-envelope calculations as I didn’t need the exact. Remember to balance the books at the end of your accounting year. I’d say five hundred dollars, but that’s a ballpark figure. I’d bet my bottom dollar that he will be on time. You’ve makimg to get to work if you’re going to bring home the bacon.

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street slang for making money
Bank : money 2. Benjamins : a one-hundred-dollar bill in reference to the portrait of Benjamin Franklin that distinguishes it 3. Big ones : multiples of one thousand dollars 4. Bills : multiples of one hundred dollars 5. Bones : dollars origin unknown 6. Bread : money in general on the analogy of it being a staple of life 7. Bucks : dollars perhaps from a reference to buckskins, or deerskins, which were once used as currency 8.

27 Responses to “50 Slang Terms for Money”

We used to amuse our chat room friends in the U. You also forgot to mention Racks and Hundos. I work a 9 to 5 for a living. Submitted by Anonymous on May 18 Street slang for making money edited on Jun 19 Dough : money in general akin to the usage of bread Freaking awesome! It can make us feel secure or send us into anxiety attacks. See more words with the same meaning: money.
