How to make money grow on trees sims freeplay

how to make money grow on trees sims freeplay

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Thank u for any help u can give me. Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically.

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The Simoleon Sprout costs S to grow and gives you a simoleon money reward and you can grow it every 4 hours. I have missed this quest! You cannot miss main quests they have to be completed in order. You need to complete the bread winner quest and reach level 7 before you can start this quest. Can I complete this quest even though I have passed level 7? Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically. Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item?

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how to make money grow on trees sims freeplay
The Sims FreePlay is a mobile version of the classic Sims game. Unfortunately, since The Sims FreePlay has microtransactions that use the in-game currency and LP, you cannot cheat or glitch the game to get more resources; however, there are a few strategies you can use. To get more money and LP on The Sims FreePlay, inspire your Sims by fulfilling their needs, then caffeinate your Sims to give them energy and send them to work to earn money. They can also go on a drive to earn money and LP. Try to do time-consuming tasks to earn experience points so you can level up, which leads to more land value and increased LP. Then, raise your land value by building houses, businesses, and workplaces!

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The Simoleon Sprout costs S to grow and gives you a simoleon money reward and you can grow it every 4 hours. I have missed this quest! You cannot miss main quests they have to be completed in order. You need to complete the bread winner quest and reach level 7 before how to make money grow on trees sims freeplay can start this quest. Can I complete this quest even though I have passed level 7? Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically.

Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item? Blue footprints appear when your sim cannot access an item you want them to use, you need to either rotate the item or move an item that has been placed in front of it so they can use it.

Can I just skip it? No, you have to complete this quest before you can move onto the next one. Some times are slightly different on my game, why is this? Times may vary depending on the star rating of the item you are using, as the higher nake rating an item has the quicker you will complete a goal.

This will be because the quest has been updated recently, I try my best to keep these posts up to date but it is difficult as I cannot redo every quest each time the game is updated. If you notice any changes please let me know so I can update the post. Try using it again? Where do you find the simoleon sprout? Are you on this quest yet? It should appear at the same time, it may depend on the country you live in though to whether you will be able to get it.

Also my sims sally, Nigel and Miriam are not showing any form of needyness. All of their boxes for eg. I have done everything on the list but plant the sprouts.

What do I do? Can u please tell me how I can contact EA. I have done everything its asks me to do but it never says I complete it. I need help. But there is nothing I can do, this is a technical issue that only EA would be able to fix as they can get into your game, I cannot do that, sorry!

Thank you. How do you get the money goes on trees quest actually started? Please help!! Do you find the simoleon sprout to be fair? A few times, I almost got three peppers but one of them twitched and mone at the last moment. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same way. However, I stil can not get the sprout to show up so I can plant it.

What am I doing wrong?! I have tried 5 times already and am getting quite aggravated, because I need to have this done before j can be romantic trrees another sim. If not you need to complete the other goals first hoa you will be able to do. Can somebody tell me what should I do if have 15lp I waiting till I have 35 so I buy the hosue or should I keep them for time quests.

Thank u for any help u can give me. Can I complete this quest even though I am passed level 7? Can you help me to find out where is i can buy the garden plots to grow a simoleon sprout…? Please help. You need to ,oney a new house, once built, click on it and select relocate existing sim to move a sim to mohey house. I will put all the copyright of your page. All simmers around the world are helped, especially us, Indonesian simmer. Uhmm, do I have to do the steps with only one sim or can I make all of sims do the job?

For example, Sim no. Or should it be Sim no. I have all the quests up till this one completed, and rrees grown carrots, watched a documentary, and made a double shot coffee, but when I click my garden patch, the first option is free bell peppers, not a simoleon plant. I cant find the plant anywhere? Am I missing something? What level are you currently on? I accidentally deleted the garden patch. Have you started hiw quest yet?

If the goal hasnt popped up to tell you to complete these tasks then you cannot do them. You will get a pop up when this quest begins and it will tell you when you complete each goal. Have you completed the first main quest yet? Use the tv in the first house it will only take 54 minutes, the tv in the second house takes 1 hour as it has a lower star rating.

In my sim game it will not let me complete the quest. Click on the active tasks and in there you should see what tasks you have to complete, you are looking for the money grows on trees quest but you will probably see others such as weekly tasks, social tasks. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Trese for: Close. How long does this quest take to complete? Rate this:. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Strange, you may need to contact EA to freeplqy if they can fix this issue for you.

My son will mot take a bath or go take a shower. What do I do??? You need to buy a coffee machine from the kitchen section of trers mode. Are you on level 7 yet? You need to reach level 7 before you can start this quest. You need to complete the bread winner quest and reach level 7 before you can start this quest Can I complete this quest even though I am passed level 7? Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item?

No, you have to complete this quest before you can move onto the next one Some times are slightly different on my game, why is this? You have to do this one first, main quests have to be completed in order.

Complete the bread winner quest first then you will be able to do this quest. You have to use the garden patch to grow the simoleon sprout. I have tried everything! You can find it in the garden section of buy mode, under flowers plants and moneh. Ive done all the tasks and the simoleon sprout hasnt apperierd. You need to reach level 7 for this quest to begin. Older Comments. Please Leave a Reply! The comment is approved before posting so don’t worry if you can’t see yours yet!

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Sims Freeplay — Money Grows On Trees Quest Walkthrough & Tutorial

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You cannot miss main feeeplay they have to be completed in order. Times may vary depending on the star rating of the item you are using, as the higher star rating an item has the quicker you will complete a goal. Post to Cancel. Yes, you just need to complete all previous quests then this quest will start automatically Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item? You need to reach level 7 for this quest to begin. Notify me of new comments via email. Thank you. Each item has a star rating — 1,2 or 3 stars. Newer Post Older Post Home. Strange, you mqke need to contact EA to see if they can fix this issue how to make money grow on trees sims freeplay you. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Why do blue footprints appear when I try to use an item? If you notice any changes please let me gdow so I can update the post.
