Make money selling dvds online

make money selling dvds online

You have to keep your cost down to at least 50 cents per unit on average for used A movies. Good luck. The most important thing is to buy in bulk when possible.

Where to Sell Your Used DVDs Online

Our number one goal at DollarSprout is to help sellng improve their financial lives, and we regularly make money selling dvds online with companies that share that same vision. Some of the links in this post may be from our partners. If you sellibg to make money, one of the easiest ways to do so is by selling items you no longer use. DVDs are a perfect first choice, especially if you use a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu for dvvds. Consider selling your used DVDs online. Not only will you reach more customers, but by using comparison websites, you can get an instant price quote from a number of different sites. This takes a bit more work, but you can often get the best price for each DVD using this method.

It’s that simple

make money selling dvds online
Selling your used DVDs and CDs is a great way to make easy cash while minimizing the clutter in your home. There are many places where you can sell items like DVDs, so we did the research to find you the best options. And, they will even buy your used cell phones , tablets, video game consoles , and textbooks. To get started selling your DVDs, you enter the barcode for the items you wish to sell and ship them for free. When you choose to be paid with PayPal or direct deposit, you can receive payment the next day.

Where to Sell Used DVDs for Cash Near Me

SecondSpin offered much higher prices and did not drop their offers after a certain number was onlinr in your cart. These are the titles I saw in my local WalMart store. Lindsay is a personal finance expert and writer based in Washington state. Remember — every time someone downloads a a movie Just enter the digit barcode listed under the UPC barcode to receive an instant quote for each movie you wish to sell. Decluttr offers an app with a barcode scanner that makes it quick and easy to get a quote for your DVDs. No money in it anymore you will wind up selling at cost to unload. Message 9 of
