For Release. Is there any way to stop the companies from collecting and sharing information about me? In some cases, she wrote, «I decided not to opt-out because the service seemed so sketchy that I didn’t want to send in any additional information.
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Today, the Federal Trade Commission released a study of nine data brokers. Appli ation I ga e permission to check credit references and income not to check with local courts about a 20 year old convi mnoey thzt has been purged and has nothing to do with renting a commercial building. Sounds like what they ran was a background check, not a credit report, which includes a search of court records, It seems to me if they are going to look at court records they should at least investigate full record tot he conclusion of the case, or at least allow you to provide evidence of the out come of that case. As far as renewing your lease In other words they don’t need a reason to deny renewal. But it seems to me taht if you have been on dafa with your rent and there is nothing new on your credit report or back ground check that would cause them concern there is no reason not to renew the lease. The only thing I can think of that may be the reason is if they can get more money leasing the property to does the ftc make money off data brokers .
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Expert insights, analysis and smart data help you cut through the noise to spot trends, risks and opportunities. Sign in. Accessibility help Skip to navigation Skip to content Skip to footer. Become an FT subscriber to read: FTC calls for clampdown on data brokers Leverage our market expertise Expert insights, analysis and smart data help you cut through the noise to spot trends, risks and opportunities. Join over , Finance professionals who already subscribe to the FT. Choose your subscription. Not sure which package to choose?
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Today, the Federal Trade Commission released a study of nine data brokers. Appli ation I ga e permission to check credit references and income not to check with does the ftc make money off data brokers courts about a 20 year old convi tion thzt has been purged and has nothing to do with renting a commercial building.
Sounds like what they ran was a background check, not a credit report, which includes a search of court records, It seems to me if they are going to look at court records they should at least investigate full record tot he conclusion of the case, or at least allow you to provide evidence of the out come of that case.
As far as renewing your lease In other words they don’t need a reason to deny renewal. But it seems to me taht if you have been on time with your rent and there is nothing new on your credit report or back ground check that would cause them concern there is no reason not to renew the lease. The only thing I can think of that may be the reason is if they can get more money leasing the property to someone. But without seeing your lease agreement it is hard to answer your question as to your rights and their rights.
These creditors cannot not even delete your information nor do they have any education They have assigned my social security number and given my good credit to another person and still have this other person I. D on what they call my credit report and still send this other person my good credit to do nation wide crimes.
So when will they stop. I think Congress need to enact some form of legislature that will make these type’s of crime against,people be pay directly to the people that have been hurt,and that’s just about the whole world right about now,monetary compensation,in the amount of I don’t know when this all happened but according to the information in the hearing’s,this practice was supposed to have stopped a while ago,this is more proof that the Congress of the United States of America,has failed to protected the American people,its an insult to every value that we stand for,to allow our personal information to be stolen and everyone seems to think its for our good that this happened,its a crime against humanity.
I think a good look at our resent past history even at a glance,it look’s not very good for government. After all it is part of their job to oversee the affair’s of The American people,and it has become very clear,that the past 15 yrs has been nothing but a looting of the American people,and Congress needs to act accordingly to restore personal information back to the rightful owner’s nothing else would be acceptable,why would any respectable individual or corporation want to compromise their integrity,for a few quick buck’s.
This is in no way acceptable,because,if an citizen of the United states were to engage in this type of practice,they would be facing some stiff charges,however if they are only paying fine’s to the government for their behavior and are still be allowed to continue,with no regard to our Constitution,or rule of Law,this is a wrong that must be made right,as far as Data Broking,it’s understandable,if someone in a contract,however,the using and selling of personal information for a price,maybe folks should be required to take a course in the Constitution and Civil Society,before they are allowed to do commerce in America,it not about making money when you are using other people’s information when they need it for themselves and their family,why is it that those who have more then they need, continue to reap from those who have less then what is needed?
Its horrible. I found this out when I took her to get a walkers ID. I had to go to Soc Sec Adm to get a certified letter stating this number was legally my daughters.
Went to open a childs savings at Wachovia, and found the same person had opened a childs acct using my daughters Soc Sec.
I filed a complaint with both DMV and Wachovia, but they would not tell me the outcome. I went to the local police, they refused to let me file a complaint, saying they do not do that type of thing, or get involved in identity issues.
He was not a tenant of the complex I moved to. He was stationed on a military base, and over seas. The apt mgt says they did not file anything against him, and does not use soc sec numbers, or submit complains to the credit bureaus.
The court says they do not use social security numbers in their filings. But CoreLogic, which is a credit reporting agency used primarily for rental properties has placed erroneous info in my sons credit file. And according to my son, even though we have sent proof from the property mgt that he was not on the lease, not a responsible party, nor ever the intended of any court action started and rescinded, CoreLogic is refusing to remove the false info from his file.
Their policy is if anyone over 18 uses an address to receive mail, whether they are does the ftc make money off data brokers the lease or not, any late payments or court actions will be placed in their files, and probably will not be removed even with proof.
So, they are telling my son he has to go to court to get it removed. So, what is one to do? Police will not take complaints on identity theft.
DMV will not do anything about someone using another persons Soc Secor give the victim any information to help them pursue clearing up the issue. And there is no authority to force them to remove false info from your file. And you, the consumer, or should I say, the victim, is left to have to prove you are whom you are, and to prove they the information in your file is false.
There should be a law that before any information can be placed in a persons credit file, or charges brought against them in a court of law; the entity make the accusation, opening a case, filing documents, posting to credit files, etc have to verify beyond a reasonable doubt the identity of the actual party ies said adverse action was being placed. If you are worried about identity theft here are some steps you can take to protect. Find more information about identity theft at ftc.
I just found this page and I regularly follow it to your future articles. I want to thank you for sharing, it is more than helpful. Is there an organization I can contact to help me get these data brokers to stop tracking my data. I think we should be able to opt out of letting them track us. Thanks for the information. There is a lot there to investigate but at quick glance there doesn’t seem to be much I can do about.
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Federal Trade Commission Consumer Information. Search form Search. FTC report examines data brokers. Share this page Facebook Twitter Linked-In. May 27, by Bridget Small. What did the FTC learn about the data broker industry?
Some of the information data brokers collect, like bankruptcy information, voting history, consumer purchase data, web browsing activities and warranty registrations are not obtained directly from consumers, and as a result, consumers are largely unaware that data brokers are collecting and using this information. Data brokers collect and store billions of data elements, including some on nearly every U. Data brokers hold a vast array of information on individual consumers.
For example, one of the nine data brokers has 3, data segments for nearly every U. Data brokers combine and analyze data about consumers to make potentially sensitive inferences. Data brokers infer consumer interests from the data they collect. Then, they use those interests to make inferences about consumers and place them in categories. Tagged with: datapersonal informationprivacy. Blog Topics:. Comments jturner May 28, reply.
There are no comments. FrustratedInVA June 13, reply. Philippe July 8, reply. Leave a Comment. Comment Policy This is a moderated blog; we review all comments before they are posted. January 16, Credit repair: Fixing mistakes on your credit report. January 15,
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These sites can be used to research people and find old friends to send them postcards. For data brokers that provide marketing products, Congress should consider legislation to:. But without seeing your lease agreement it is hard to answer your question as to your rights and their rights. Most companies offer, at best, a partial picture. Only two companies actually responded with details about how brokera information had been shared. Press Release Reference:. Credit reporting giant Experian has a separate marketing services divisionwhich sells lists of «names of expectant parents and families with newborns» that are » updated weekly. Upscale furniture store Restoration Fata said that it had does the ftc make money off data brokers «your name, address and what you purchased» to seven other companies, including a data «cooperative» that allows retailers to pool data about customer transactionsand another company that later became part of Datalogix. In a report issued today on the data broker industry, the Federal Trade Commission finds that data brokers operate with a fundamental lack of transparency. Equifax said in a statement that the information is only sold to customers «who have been verified through a detailed credentialing process. The study recruited volunteers to ask more than 80 companies how the volunteers’ information was being shared. Tagged with: datapersonal informationprivacy. The Federal Trade Commission works for consumers to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices and to provide information to help spot, stop, and avoid .
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