As long as you’re conveniently located and offer more than the bookstores will pay, you’ll be able to purchase textbooks with plenty of room for profit margins. AbeBooks is a great place to resell your textbooks, but it does require a bit more work than some of the other places on this list. I’m a personal finance expert with a passion for helping millennials figure out their most pressing financial issues. Sellers enter the ISBN number, choose the condition of the book, and then check out to print their label.
The Best Ways to Sell Your Textbooks
These days, college textbooks are one of the main expenses a student has to deal. After the semester or class is over, selling books back to the campus bookstore is a good way to make some money back, and is also a simple of way of getting rid howw books that you will no longer use. In the past, I have talked about selling books online. Here is a list of some of the best websites where you can sell your unwanted textbooks for the most money:. My personal experience tells me that these sites are often the best places to sell not only college textbooks but any selling of book.
Why should you sell textbooks using BookScouter?
Finals are nearing completion, the semester is coming to an end, and students are already stressing about what to do with their textbooks. Here are a few tips for clearing the bookshelf and earning more when when you do. Photo by Stephen Cummings. After the amounting debt from tuition and housing, textbook companies love to kick students when they’re down by charging some pretty insane prices for their books. New editions are out on an overly regular basis and you’re guaranteed to spend a small fortune if you don’t buy your books intelligently. To help alleviate the amounting financial distress, many schools offer buyback programs at the end of the semester, but they’re really not that good. Instead of settling for your campus bookstore’s low offer, there are plenty of alternatives to keep to help increase the return you receive on your textbooks.
Why use BookScouter?
Finals are nearing completion, the semester is coming to an end, and students are already stressing about what to do with their textbooks. Here are a few tips for clearing the bookshelf and earning more when when you. Photo by Stephen Cummings. After the amounting debt from tuition and housing, textbook companies love to kick students when they’re down by charging some pretty insane prices for their books.
New editions are out on an overly regular basis and you’re guaranteed to spend a small fortune if you don’t buy your books intelligently. To help alleviate the amounting financial distress, many schools offer buyback programs at the end of the semester, but they’re really not that good. Instead of settling for your campus bookstore’s low offer, there are plenty of alternatives to keep to help increase the return you receive on your textbooks.
We’re going to take a look at how to keep your textbooks intact and the best ways to get the most money when it comes time to sell. The best way to get the best price when selling a textbook is to keep it in really great shape. That probably goes without saying, but it’s easier said than.
With your books bouncing around in your bag, moving from dorm to class and back again, it’s hard to keep them from experiencing a little wear and tear.
There are a few things you can do, however, to make them seem good as new. The first points of impact on your book are the edges and and easy way to protect them is with painter’s tape. Painter’s tape is great because it won’t actually damage the book when you remove it, but it will help absorb any damage when the book is in your bag.
If you want to be extra safe, you can even cover the entire book in painter’s tape. It’s cheap and you can buy it pretty much anywhere like a hardware store, Target, or Amazon.
Alternatively you could use an actual book cover but this is a bit cheaper and a lot more DIY. Plus you can write whatever you want on the front of the book. Writing in your book can be convenient but it’s also a great way to severely cut down what you can get for it how to make the most money selling textbooks you sell. The best compromise is to just start using sticky notes and document flags instead. If you don’t want to buy a bunch of disposable stuff, you can reuse your sticky notes by cutting them into thin strips and use them as document flags instead.
This is definitely a lot of work, but having digital copies of your textbook pages can be very useful later on—especially if you use optical character recognition OCR to turn your images into text to make them fully searchable. Even if all you’ve got is a digital camera, you can still digitize your pages and use Evernote to perform the free OCR.
There are a staggering number of sites for buying and selling your textbooks, most offering little advantage over the. By comparing buyback prices listed on various textbook sites like AmazonCheggand Half. To speed the process up even further, sites like Bigwords. Sites like Bigwords give you a great overview of not just the sites willing to buy back your book, but the prices they’re offering and their shipping costs as. It’s important to note that most sites that are offering you a better buy back deal are probably charging you for shipping costs as.
While the deal might sound great, in the end you’re losing out on your books resale value if you’re paying high shipping costs. Be sure to factor shipping costs into the overall price a site is willing to pay you for your book. While your school’s buyback program is often the worst way to sell your textbooks, that doesn’t mean your only options are online. If you want to stay within your school, you can generally go to the admissions office and get the roster for the classes you’re taking next semester.
You can then contact the students to see if they want your old textbook for less than they’ll pay for it in the campus bookstore or online. Many campus’ have student organized book trade and exchange programs as well, which tend to be a little less creepy than stalking your fellow students in hopes of making a sale.
Finally, if you have friends in your major, generally you can work it out so you can take classes separately and trade books at the end of the semester so you each only have to buy one. Then, when you sell it for good, you can split the profit as. If you’re having trouble finding buyers, one site you can try is Local Textbook. We don’t have much experience with this site, but it aims to be the Craigslist of textbooks and is worth a look.
Got any great textbook selling tips of your own? Share ’em in the comments! Send an email to Adam Dachis and Arvin Dang, the authors of this post, at adachis lifehacker. The A. Filed to: Textbooks. Share This Story. Get our newsletter Subscribe.
Keeping Your Textbooks Intact
In addition, some textbooks come with access codes. I have a box of old books. All you have to do it enter the ISBN number, and you can quickly list your textbook. Some people feel that convenience is worth more than money. Have questions about selling books online? Facebook Marketplace is a free place to sell anything, including textbooks. You might how to make the most money selling textbooks this option for your more worn books as other textbook companies only buy books in good condition. With so many different sites that sell books online, you want to find the ones that offer the best prices. After receiving the book, they will pay you with check or PayPal. Student 2 Student Cookies This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. The second way to sell your textbooks is by signing up for their Marketplace, and listing your book for sale. You essentially create a listing for the book you have to sell, including identifying the condition of your book and setting your selling price, then wait for a purchaser. Whilst I find goodwill and thrift stores to be my best resource for the lowest prices, you are hard pressed to find any current textbook editions.
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