Teachers make really good money

teachers make really good money

Are you given raises? Alex Stechschulte. I keep a stock of food in my room. Lia is now based in the Washington, D. Write for other educational websites.

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In independent schools, recognised as being among the best in the world, we are free to choose our own teachers. Our success lies in the quality and teacjers of our teachers, yet some may not have a teaching qualification. So what makes a good teacher? First, they love their subject and have excellent subject knowledge the two go. Last year Professor Rob Coe and the Sutton Trust published realky into the qualities of the best teachers and this came top of the list. Nick Clegg: Schools should use qualified teachers and follow a teachers make really good money curriculum.

How Much Teachers Make in Alaska

teachers make really good money
Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Most teachers could probably justify having additional pay. I taught SPED, with five separate endorsements. But, I really think that the pay in the private sector for math and science specialists is higher. Those that teach those subjects should have incentives. And true, early grades are important. But I think the entire educational model in our country is a disaster, but that is a topic for a separate thread.

Average Teacher Salary

Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Most teachers could probably justify having additional pay. I taught SPED, with five separate endorsements. But, I really think that the pay in the private sector for math and science specialists is higher.

Those that teach those subjects should have incentives. And true, early grades are important. But I think the entire educational model in our country is a disaster, but that is a topic for a separate thread. Originally Posted by claud I posted this a while back and when I saw the OP’s title I just had to go dig it out and post it again Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year!

It’s time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do — baby sit! We can get that for less than minimum wage. That’s right. Now how many students do they teach in a day However, remember they only work days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations. Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries. What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees?

Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here! There sure is! I am Special Ed TA. Forget what I make. Want fries with that? I worked with a teacher who had 18 special needs 3 and 4 year old Pre-K kids in a class. If you think teachers make really good money is a lot of money for 2 decades in THIS field, you need your head examined.

Originally Posted by Jo Originally Posted by SuperSparkle I pay my private dog nanny, per year, more than what a teacher gets Just my opinion. Originally Posted by Jaggy Is it the dog that is private or the nanny. I guess I have to spell everything. She is a nanny that exclusively stays with my dog everyday. Personally, to me, worth more than any public school teacher, as it provides a benefit to me. Originally Posted by zthatzmanz Please register to post and access all features of our very popular forum.

It is free and quick. Additional giveaways are planned. Detailed information about all U. Similar Threads Why do people say teachers make so little? Follow City-Data. Twitter :. Teachers Make Too Much Money working, good, degree, business. User Name. Remember Me. View detailed profile Advanced or search teachers make really good money.

Page 39 of Advertisements Most teachers could probably justify having additional pay. Quote: Originally Posted by claud I posted this a while back and when I saw the OP’s title I just had to go dig it out and post it again Quote: Originally Posted by SuperSparkle Well, besides the fact that your logic and math are all messed up Quote: Originally Posted by Jaggy Is it the dog that is private or the nanny.

Location: interior Alaska 4, posts, read 3, times Reputation: Obvious troll is obvious. Quote: Originally Posted by SuperSparkle Oh geez Location: Summerville, SC 3, posts, read 7, times Reputation:

Teacher doesn’t have enough money for groceries and supplies — What Would You Do? — WWYD

There are also cooking, drama, and science franchises that vary by state. SteveFoersterJan 13, at PM. There has been progress in Oklahoma. Start an organization business. My kids goid fabulous. We still share a bed.
